National Demo for Palestine

National Demo for Palestine


Saturday 11 May in London

National Demonstration for Palestine

Exist! Resist! Return!

Assemble 12 Noon Portland Place, March to Whitehall

The Palestinian people need our solidarity more than ever, and are calling for global protests to protect their collective rights. As Israel continues to flout international law and violate human rights, there is a responsibility on the global community to hold it to account and push for an end to the oppression of the Palestinian people.

No new Nakba! –  End the Siege!  – Defend the Right of Return!

Organised by: Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Stop the War Coalition, Palestinian Forum in Britain, Friends of Al- Aqsa, Muslim Association of Britain.

Supported by: Unite the Union, PCS, UNISON, GMB, RMT, CWU, ASLEF, UCU, NEU, TSSA, Amos Trust, CND, ICAHDUK, Momentum, APCUK, Olive.

Join us in London on Saturday 11 May, the beginning of Nakba Week, for a National Demonstration.

Labour Bloc with Labour & Palestine meet at corner of New Cavendish St/Portland PLace




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