Universal Credit - Protests Roll Out

Universal Credit - Protests Roll Out

Parts of Camden, parts of Kensington & Chelsea, and other areas in London will be migrating some unfortunate benefit claimants to UC this month. This means that the people involved will be treated the same as a new claimant, which means they have no money for five weeks.

What a mean, horrible thing to do just a few weeks before Christmas. How could anyone with an ounce of humanity or empathy behave like this towards their fellow citizens?

This article is about the impact of the Universal Credit rollout in Merseyside. Sadly it isn't unique, we see similar patterns everywhere Universal Credit is in operation.

To tell the truth, the list could be much longer. It doesn't mention things like the claim and money being in the name of the man when couples are both on UC, which takes away the wife's independence, and can leave people at the mercy of an abusive partner.

This policy is killing thousands of people, and blighting the life chances of millions, including children who on top of the hardship and deprivation they're already suffering, also have to see their parents at their wits' ends, and being tortured by the DWP.

This must be the most unpopular and unfair policy since the poll tax, and I can't believe that many people are happy with this situation. The TV is on and this vile government have just been voted in contempt of parliament, the first time ever in history.

Every day the Tories are in power, they are killing people and destroying thousands of life chances. They're killing the people and destroying the country, we can't afford them any longer. We need to make the Labour Party do more, and also our trade unions. Most if all, it's down to us though.

Unite Community CamdenLike Page2 December at 21:07

The 12 ways Universal Credit is making life so much harder in Merseyside

The hardship and struggle that the government's flagship benefit system is bringing to families has been laid out

1. There are rising numbers of people who need help with their claims
2. It's affecting people in all sorts of ways
3. The 'digital challenge'
4. The effect on the homeless
5. The effect on people with disabilities
6. The waiting period for the first payment
7. Fluctuations in payments
8. Sanctions
9. Free school meals
10. Confusion over council tax support
11. The impact on food banks
12. The added workload for council staff



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