Open Selection Campaign



Open Selection Campaign – for the regular democratic selection of Labour Party parliamentary candidates

This campaign is being organised by a group of Labour Party members to support the motion on candidate selection put forward by Labour International. It’s due for discussion at the Labour Party Annual Conference in Liverpool from 23rd to 26th September 2018.

If passed, this rule-change motion will provide for regular open democratic selection of all Labour Party parliamentary candidates by the members of their Constituency Labour Parties, regardless of whether they are sitting MPs or not. This will be on a One Member One Vote basis.

Improving the Labour Party’s democratic arrangements is a vital step forward in renewing the Party’s ability to form a radical government. Nowhere is this more necessary than in the process for MP selection. We do not think this should be a process of angst and acrimony. Rather it should simply be a normal regular part of the Party’s democratic processes.

We believe the best chance of securing this is to support this motion from Labour International.

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