LRC Conference 2019
We recorded over 120 people attending the LRC Conference in London on Saturday 9th February. The LRC is a fully democratic organisation with a Conference where members can move resolutions, vote on officers and issues and take part in the discussions. Momentum members take note.
Election of Officers
The President remains John McDonnell
Matt Wrack is the Chair, with Cathy Augustine and Deborah Hobson as Vice Chairs.
Treasurer: Alison McGarry
Political Secretary: Mick Brooks
Membership Secretary: Keith Henderson
Web Manager: Chris Knight/Norrette Moore (jobshare)
Administrative Secretary: Pete Firmin
Regional Reps. Northern: Patrick Hall/Simon Hewitt (jobshare)
Southern: Ian Malcolm-Walker
Equalities Seats. BME: Jackie Walker
Disabilities: Austin Harney
LGBT: Vacancy
The following comrades were elected to the NEC from the floor of the Conference:
Graham Bash
Andrew Berry
Terry Conway
Maria Exall
Kay Green
Ben Sellers
Angie Stack
Beverley Woodburn.
Invited Speakers
John McDonnell MP, Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer
Lauren Townsend, union activist at TGI Friday
Mick Brooks moved the NEC statement and Pete Firmin summed up the debate
Jennifer Forbes, Labour PPC for Truro and Falmouth
Romayne Phoenix from Red Green Labour
Matt Wrack, General Secretary, Fire Brigades Union
Ben Sellers introduced the Appeal to the Labour Left
Ian Hodson, President of the Bakers, Food and Allied Workers’ Union summed up the Conference.
We intend to publish recordings of some of these speeches soon.
Resolutions were passed on the following topics:
Against adoption of the International Holocaust Remembrance Association definition of antisemitism
On the need for the LRC to produce more policy documents
A proposal for a Political Education Online Journal was remitted to the NEC for further discussion
On Trans Rights the approach adopted by the TUC and Labour leadership was agreed
For a national meeting opposing local government austerity
For a Land Value Tax
A Labour CND motion, including a commitment for Labour to sign the UN Nuclear Weapons Ban.
A motion from the FBU called for repealing the anti trade union laws and defending workers’ rights.
The full text of all the resolutions passed are on the Conference 2019 page of this website.