Vote for Richard Burgon as Deputy

Vote for Richard Burgon as Deputy

Richard Burgon is Standing for Labour’s Deputy Leader. Here is his Statement of Intent

I'll be a campaigning Deputy Leader.

Winning the next general election means regaining the trust of the voters we've lost. My focus will be building a Party rooted in every community with powerful local campaigns that show whose side we're on.

I fully back our previous two manifestos. These offer real solutions to the problems our communities face.

Great policies, however, aren't enough. I'll overhaul our campaigning and messaging to focus on 10 key policies that are easily explainable on the doorstep.

Any path to power requires us winning back the 50+ Leave-supporting seats we lost. As Deputy Leader, I'll chair a Special Commission on rebuilding that support.

Our members and trade union affiliates ensure we're rooted in the realities of our communities. I back a fully democratic system for members to choose Labour candidates.

I've always stood up to the establishment and for the oppressed. Before being an MP, I was a trade union lawyer for a decade. As an MP, I voted against the 2015 Tory Welfare Bill and nominated and backed Jeremy in both leadership elections. When I successfully sued The Sun, I used the £30,000 compensation to fund a local internship.

As Secretary of the Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs, founded by Tony Benn, I believe the values of peace, equality and socialism are more necessary than ever.

Working class communities in all their diversity need a Labour government. Whoever is leader, I'll be a team player focused on our main task: winning back power.

The LRC advocates voting for Rebecca Long-Bailey as leader and Richard Burgon for deputy


Vote for Rebecca Long-Bailey as Leader

Vote for Rebecca Long-Bailey as Leader

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