LRC Conference Delayed

LRC Conference Delayed

The Labour Representation Committee is holding its conference this year virtually, by Zoom. We have had to delay it till september. Full details to follow and registration here soon. Watch this space!

The LRC NEC has decided, with the ongoing lockdown due to the Covid19 pandemic, that our conference will be held by zoom on Saturday June 27th. While this will fall short of the atmosphere of a conference where attendees are all gathered in one place, it does enable some comrades to attend who might not be able to for reasons such as mobility and cost.

Conference will start at 11 am. It will end at 5 pm.  There will be a lunch break. The morning session will be a discussion with a panel of speakers on the tasks facing the left. In the afternoon we will take discussion on the statement from the LRC NEC and resolutions submitted by labour movement bodies, affiliated organisations and LRC local groups and members.

For those comrades not familiar with using zoom (although more of us are doing so with many meetings taking place by videoconferencing) we will send out detailed guidance on using it, and hold "training" sessions in the run up to the conference as well as opening the meeting early both to check registration and allow for glitches in getting online.

Because costs are low for holding an online conference, registration will only be £1. To vote you must be a paid up LRC member, but observers are welcome to attend (provided you pay the registration fee). You can check or renew your membership on the LRC website 

 Resolutions will need to be submitted by the deadline of 30th May . We hope to circulate the NEC statement to conference soon after May 9th. Both will then be open to amendment, with a deadline of June 20th for amendments.

Nominations for positions will need to be submitted by June 13th..

Resolutions, nominations and amendments will be posted on the LRC website.

For our last conference we introduced a procedure whereby any 10 (named) LRC members could also submit resolutions or amendments. Given the lockdown and not all labour movement bodies meeting in the current situation, this is even more important for this conference.

To assist comrades being able to contact each other a Labour Representation Committee Members' Group has been created on Facebook.  It is a private group open to members whose current membership has been confirmed.  This has been done in order to promote the involvement and empowerment of members from all over the country. This will enable members to share proposed motions and amendments for our forthcoming AGM to secure the support of nine others in order to submit them, to report activity in his or her area and share their experiences. It will, of course, also allow general political discussion.


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