Statement from Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs

Statement from Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs

Statement Issued in response to the Covid-19 update by Boris Johnson on May 10th

Last night’s statement by the Prime Minister was a thinly veiled declaration of class war from a government that has chosen to put the economic demands of some sections of big business above the welfare of the country.

This pandemic has already shown itself to disproportionately affect BAME people and low paid workers. The government calling on people to be ‘actively encouraged’ to return to work will only make this situation worse.

Prior to Covid-19 the UK was already in the middle of a crisis in the world of work, with poor wages, terms and conditions and an ever-growing precariat in the gig economy. There has never been a more important time to either join or become more active in a trade union. Please do so.

Protecting the people is the first duty of any government and the government is failing to do so. Wherever trade unions are forced to step in to take action against bosses who put their members’ health at risk they will have our full and unwavering support.


Diane Abbott MP
Paula Barker MP
Apsana Begum MP
Richard Burgon MP
Ian Byrne MP
Jeremy Corbyn MP
Ian Lavery MP
John McDonnell MP
Ian Mearns MP
Grahame Morris MP
Kate Osamor MP
Kate Osborne MP
Bell Ribeiro-Addy MP
Zarah Sultana MP
Jon Trickett MP
Claudia Webbe MP
Mick Whitley MP


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