No retreat on socialist polices
(Motion to LRC AGM 05.09.20 from the FBU)
The Covid crisis and the huge economic downturn we now face expose sharply the inequalities and injustices in society. It has been workers, in Britain and internationally, who have borne the brunt of Covid infections and deaths. It is workers who have ensured the basic functioning of society. But it is also workers who will face the attacks of employers and governments in the aftermath of the pandemic as jobs, wages and public services face a further round of attacks.
In the face of this, we need a campaign of resistance from the Labour movement, building unity around defence of jobs and living standard, workers’ rights; making the case for fundamental change and for socialist policies.
We call for no retreat on the policy agenda won by Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell’s leadership – if anything recent times have strengthened the case for socialist policies. We demand that the Socialist Green New Deal moved by the FBU at Labour Party conference 2019 is implemented in full, as it can lay the foundations for a socialist answer to climate crisis.
We call for revolution in workers’ rights including the repeal of all anti-trade union laws, the Labour Party must not allow trade unions to become the embarrassing relative again. Trade unionists and public sector workers have been treated appallingly over consecutive decades and they deserve not just applause every week but a pay rise and investment in jobs and services.
We call for equality and liberation for all workers and support our comrades in the Black Lives Matter movement. Labour should be at the centre of building a united, working class, anti-racist movement.
We demand that the Labour Party maintains its support for an internationalist foreign policy based on the common interests of workers across the world; for peace, human rights, justice, and cooperation to end war and emancipation for all. There can be no return to imperialist, war-mongering expeditions.
Please forward any suggested amendments to this motion along with the names of 10 supporting signatories to: