
Labour Representation Committee Trade Union Co-ordinator

Constitutional amendment

The Labour Representation Committee (“LRC”) conference 2020 proposes to set up the role of LRC Trade Union co-ordinator. Accordingly, we propose to amend the LRC Rules and Constitution as follows:

Insert to (point 21) a sub-point (j) Trade Union co-ordinator.


Explanation for constitutional amendment

Each Trade Union is different in its organisation, industrial and political outlook. Rank and file Trade Unionists are best placed to debate and agree upon specific strategies for their own Trade Unions.

Therefore, the role should focus on co-ordination of activities on behalf of LRC members and affiliated Trade Unions to the LRC[1]. The benefits of such an approach include sharing, through the LRC, knowledge, resources, practices and skills, across Trade Unions and Trade Union structures.    

Suggested responsibilities of the role:

1.     Promote the Labour Party-Trade Union link within the Labour Party and the LRC.

2.     Provide assistance with convening a forum for discussion and organisation across individual Trade Unions working as LRC members within Trade Union Broad Left organisations[2], where established. 

3.     Act as a co-ordinator for sharing best practice, political education and knowledge across Trade Union Broad Lefts and Trades Councils (e.g. this could include activities to increase Trade Union membership, increase participation in a Trade Union’s organising and political structures etc.).    

4.     Provide assistance, where appropriate, with organising for Trade Union conferences, Trade Union organising for Labour Party Conference, elections within Trade Unions and within Trade Union Broad Left organisations.

5.     Promote Trade Union campaigns and action within the LRC.

[1] BFAWU, FBU, CWU, ASLEF and RMT (at the time of writing).

[2] Where possible this should be Trade Union Broad Lefts which support the Labour Party, or which include Labour Party members and supporters.