NEC ammendments to LRC constitution
Proposal 1
Move point 9 in current constitution to into Appendix entitled Conduct which can be amended by NEC.
Proposal 2
Delete points 21-31 inclusive and replace with:
21. The AGM will elect the following officers of the LRC who will report and be accountable to the NEC. Only members of the LRC can be elected as officers.
(a) President
(b) Chair
(c) Two Vice Chairs
d) Political Secretary
e) Administrative Secretary
(f) Treasurer
At least 3 of posts (b) to (e) should identify as female
22. In addition to the posts above the AGM will elect the following named positions. Candidates must be LRC members
a) Membership Secretary
b) Website editor
c) IT officer
d) National/regional organisers – number to be determined when conference is called or at time of AGM – in this particular case Northern organiser, Midlands organiser and Southern organiser
e) Women’s officer
f) Black members officer
g) Disabled members officer
h) LGBT officer
i) Youth officer
j) Trade Union Liaison Officer
Those standing for posts e-i should identify as a member of the group they are seeking to represent
23. In addition to the posts above, the AGM will also elect additional members to the NEC who shall be individual members of the LRC and at least 50 per cent of whom shall identify as female. The number proposed shall be determined by the NEC when the AGM is called. The AGM can vary this.
24, The AGM shall elect 2 auditors who shall be neither officers nor members of the NEC but who shall be full individual members of the LRC.
25. Nominations for membership of the NEC and for auditors and members of the Labour Briefing Editorial Board to be elected by the AGM should be made in writing to the Conference Arrangements Committee not less than 4 weeks before the AGM, and be supported by not less than 2 current individual members of the LRC other than the nominee or an affiliated organisation. All nominations must have the consent of the nominee and may be supported by a personal written statement of not more than 100 words. The Conference Arrangements Committee shall have the authority to reject over-length statements.
26. Where no or insufficient nominations are received for positions by the date in paragraph 24 above, the Chair of the AGM shall accept nominations presented on the day of the AGM and supported by not less than 2 current individual members of the LRC other than the nominee or an affiliated organisation. All nominations must have the consent of the nominee and may be supported by a personal written statement of not more than 100 words.
27. a) All members of the NEC are expected to make an effort to attend as many meetings as possible and otherwise to send apologies and where appropriate a written report of their work since the last meeting. If people do not attend 3 meetings in a row without apologies which are accepted by the NEC.
b) In addition to the work associated with their specific role all members of the NEC are expected to take on work between meetings so that the body can function collectively and effectively.
c) All members of the NEC are expected to behave in a respectful manner to each other and to other members of the organisation and those they collaborate with more broadly. Political disagreements should never be a justification for bullying, dismissive or abusive behaviour.
28. Where possible decisions should be taken by the NEC as a whole (through email/WhatsApp or other electronic means) with deadlines for response. Where emergency decisions need to be made the officers can convene through whatever means they find suitable but must report this to the NEC as soon as practical. The NEC also delegates responsibility to teams of comrades allocated to different tasks eg as delegates to the Don’t Leave Organise structures or to CLGA but expects them to report in timely fashion including between meetings.
29 The incoming NEC will draw up job descriptions for the posts outlined in points 12, 22,23 and 24 which will also become an appendix to the constitution
And then renumber
Procedural resolution
Conference calls on the incoming NEC to set up a working party to work on further amendments to the constitution to bring proposals to a special conference early in 2021 if appropriate.