
New point 49 and renumber

(NEC Statement Amendment from Pete Fermin)

Given the current Tory majority and the balance of forces within the Labour Party - which Starmer has moved to the right faster than many anticipated  - the left inside the Party must help build the resistance to government attacks now and do everything within its power to link up with campaigns on the streets and in the workplaces. We must fight to defend jobs and employment conditions, to oppose privatisations, to defend the environment, fight racism and bigotry and link up with Black Lives Matter- and fight for official and visible Labour Party support in doing so.  We encourage and give solidarity to struggles which break out over whatever progressive causes - from opposition to gentrification to a real safe return for our schools. Only by showing that the Labour Party is involved in these struggles will we win new activists to seeing the fight inside the party as important to them and retain many who contemplate leaving the party out of frustration with Starmer's leadership. Our strength must - as always - come from class struggle.

Graham Bash, Terry Conway, Pete Firmin, Cathy Augustine, Patrick Hall, Ian Illet, Andrew Berry, John McGory, Martin Wicks, Chris Knight