In another example of Momentum’s “socialism from on high” we were informed on Saturday 11th January of the National Co-ordinating Group’s (NCG) decision to back Rebecca Long-Bailey for Leader and Angela Rayner for deputy. This is being put to a plebiscite of the members where we are graciously allowed to endorse this decision.
Expressing opinions on potential alternative candidates – not allowed. So whether you support Clive Lewis for leader or Richard Burgon for Deputy you don’t get a say. It’s the NCG decision - take it or leave it.
Who exactly, ordinary Momentum members might ask, is the NCG? It is a 16 member body, that includes Jon Lansman, that was last elected in April 2018. It is supposed to be elected annually but elections planned to start in October 2019 were “postponed”. The NCG met only three times in 2019 and only nine people attended the October meeting that decided to postpone elections. The meeting before in July was attended by 20 but only 10 of these were elected members the rest being staffers and “invitees”
Since the “Lansman coup” of January 2017, which abolished the elected National Committee and all Momentum regional bodies, local Momentum groups have had little or no say in the running of the organisation. This latest top down decision on who to support in party leadership election is par for the course.
Whoever you support in the leadership and deputy leadership election Momentum members should vote NO in this plebiscite to register your opposition to top down decision making. If Corbyn’s socialism stands for anything it is putting power into the hands of the many not the few on the NCG.

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