No War with Iran!

No War with Iran!

The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament has organised a London Demo

Don't attack Iran - stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons

·  No War on Iran - national demonstration
Gather: 12 noon Saturday 11 January 2020
BBC Portland Place, London W1A 1AA
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The US killing of Iranian general Qasem Soleimani and six others in a drone strike in Iraq was an act of state terrorism – extra-judicial killings are illegal under international law. The US acted as a rogue state and our government’s support for this crime – on the basis of the US right to self-defence – makes a mockery of international legal norms.

Sadly, as we predicted, Tehran has responded to the drone attacks by announcing it will abandon limits on uranium enrichment. 

If Trump's belicose actions are allowed to continue, aided and abetted by diplomatic and political support from the British Prime Minister and his government, a catastrophic war and nuclear proliferation are very likely.

National demonstration

Our movement has begun to mobilise both here in Britain as well as internationally. To stop this war we must rise up as we rose up against the Iraq war in 2003. We know these moves to war are unpopular, so we must mobilise this sentiment and demand that there is no British involvement in this war.

Along with the Stop the War Coalition, we have called a national demonstration in London on Saturday. Please join us and do all you can to get people to this very important demo.

·  No War on Iran - national demonstration
Gather: 12 non Saturday 11 January 2020
BBC Portland Place, London W1A 1AA

The murder of Iranian general Qasem Soleimani on the orders of Donald Trump has created an international crisis, with the danger of war. 

Jeremy Corbyn commented “The US assasination of Qasem Soleimani is an extremely serious and dangerous escalation of conflict in the Middle East with global significance.

“The UK government should urge restraint on the part of both Iran and the US, and stand up to the belligerent actions and rhetoric coming from the United States...All countries in the region and beyond should seek to ratchet down the tensions to avoid deepening conflict, which can only bring further misery to the region, 17 years on from the disastrous invasion of Iraq.”

Clive Lewis, who served as a Territorial Army officer and completed a tour of duty in Afghanistan, warned that the “violent escalation in an already volatile region is a mistake” which should not be “compounded” by UK support.

“I call on the PM to condemn this cowboy action & turn immediately to our international institutions to try & de-escalate any war with Iran,” he tweeted. “The UK must now lead in being a broker for peace.”

Stop the War is also asking their groups, members and supporters to help in the following ways:
- Organise protest where you are. 
- Use the statement signed by Jeremy Corbyn as the basis for a petition in your workplace, university. or community,
- Pass resolutions against war with Iran in your union branch, Labour Party or student union. 



Strike Action on South Western Railways. #KeepTheGuardOnTheTrain

Strike Action on South Western Railways. #KeepTheGuardOnTheTrain