NEC Elections – response to the united left slate

NEC Elections – response to the united left slate

Joint statement from the LRC, JVL and Red Labour

Thursday 9 Jul 2020

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Over the last few months, Jewish Voice for Labour, Red Labour and the Labour Representation Committee have engaged collaboratively in intensive efforts to forge a united left slate for the forthcoming NEC elections. After the series of disastrous defeats the left has suffered, finding common ground regarding a left slate has been a key priority. So, we have committed to take part in these debates honestly and constructively, with unity in mind.

In practice, that has meant discussions both outside and inside the Centre Left Grassroots Alliance (CLGA) and across the wider movement. We have argued for a bold response to the left’s defeats.  We have always been positive about (re)building the Labour left and have seen the efforts to construct a united left slate as a key part of that broader project. We have called for unity behind candidates that every party member can be assured will stand firm in defence of the policy gains of the Corbyn period; for a democratic party equally accessible to all members regardless of their background; for open selection for all post holders; and for natural justice, transparency and fairness in internal processes.    

The Centre Left Grassroots Alliance (CLGA) is ultimately a forum for negotiation, and in negotiations not everyone gets everything they want. All three of our organisations argued strongly for the inclusion of Jo Bird following her impressive performance in the recent by-elections to the NEC. We share the disappointment of all Jo's supporters that she is not on the slate and we will be holding our left candidates to account in terms of opposition to the witch hunt against the left and other important issues Jo highlighted.

We believe the slate is a good one, with a range of grassroots candidates and people with genuine respect and trust amongst the membership. Nadia Jama was nominated and supported by both LRC and Red Labour. We look forward to a strong, vibrant policy-based campaign based on socialist principles.

People will be aware that we have argued for an overhaul of the slate making process and we stand by that. We need a more inclusive transparent and democratic way of doing these things. That effort will go on and be intensified, but in the meantime, we ask that the socialist left in the party unite behind the following candidates in the upcoming NEC elections, get involved in their campaigns and build the fightback.

The slate (in alphabetical order) is:

  • Ann Henderson

  • Gemma Bolton

  • Laura Pidcock

  • Mish Rahman

  • Nadia Jama

  • Yasmine Dar

Yours, in solidarity

Jewish Voice for Labour

Red Labour

Labour Representation Committee




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