Protest Annexation of Palestinian Land

Protest Annexation of Palestinian Land

Austin Harney

On behalf of the Labour Representation Committee, we condemn the annexation of 33% of Palestinian land around the Jordan Valley. It is the largest violation of any peace process since the Oslo Accords that negotiated an end to violence between the Israeli government and the Palestinian Liberation Organisation in 1993. It proves that an Israeli government can never be trusted to negotiate peace ever again.

If this annexation goes ahead, 120,000 Palestinians and 75 villages will be affected! By annexing the areas around the Jordan Valley on the West Bank, the Palestinians' only exit to the rest of the world will be through Jericho. But it is more alarming to hear that the Jordan Valley is the food basket of the Palestinians. This annexation is life threatening, especially when employment for the Palestinian people, particularly women, has become more insecure with the COVID-19 crisis. It is extremely important to act against this annexation by the systematic use of ‘Boycott Divestment Sanctions.’

As a result of the Oslo Accords, the Palestinian Authority was established to implement a new Palestine from occupation to independence within 5 years. But not only has this peace process been delayed for 27 years, the Israeli government has reversed everything with the most illegal acts such as systematic killings of innocent Palestinian civilians, settler colonisation on the West Bank and the brutal economic blockade of Gaza. During this entire peace process, the vast majority of innocent civilians who have been killed are Palestinian.

Since the election of Donald Trump, the collective rights of the Palestinian people have come under intensifying attacks. Israel has further entrenched its system of oppression; passing a racist nation state law that confirms that Palestinian citizens of Israel do not have the same rights under the law as Israeli citizens, maintaining its crippling siege on Gaza, and continuing to rapidly expand illegal settlements in defiance of international law. Meanwhile, Trump’s cuts to UNRWA (The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees) funding are part of a wider attempt to redefine the refugee status of millions of displaced Palestinians and erase their fundamental Right of Return. On top of this, since the beginning of the Great March of Return, Israel has injured more than 27,000 and killed more than 200 unarmed demonstrators, including children, journalists and medics!

Now the latest ‘Trump Plan’ is advocating the annexation of Palestinian land, which is exacerbating tensions in the Middle East and the entire Muslim world! It is a huge diversion from our campaign against Israeli occupation. The Premier of Israel, Binyamin Netanyahu, wants to end the debate of the "Two State Solution."

Our message is clear - Israel must be held to account for its ongoing violations of international law and human rights. The Trade Union movement has a proud history of supporting struggles for freedom, justice and equality across the world, and we will make our voices heard for Palestine! This indiscriminate killing has to end as well as the “de facto apartheid" system imposed by the Israeli government! The Labour Representation Committee calls on the British government and the leadership of the Labour Party to condemn the Israeli government's latest policy of annexation by start imposing ‘Boycott Divestment Sanctions’ on all illegal ‘Settler’ goods! The Labour Representation Committee also supports the Palestinian people's right to national self - determination within the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza, with the return all 7 million Palestinian refugees since 1948 as well as better conditions for all workers and Trade Unions.

Statement by Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs

 Solidarity with Palestine

 With the new Government in Israel threatening further illegal annexation in July of occupied Palestinian land, including large swathes of the West Bank, now is the time to speak up for Palestine. The British Government should make clear to Israel now that any annexation of the occupied Palestinian land would lead to sanctions.

As an internationalist and democratic socialist party, Labour must give real support to call of the Palestinian people and very many Israelis for effective measures to Stop Annexation. The core and fundamental purpose underlying annexation is that it permanently puts the ‘nail in the coffin’ of a two-state solution. It leaves no room for any conceivable viable Palestinian state.

Annexation has been encouraged by Donald Trump whose proposals in the fake “deal of the century” are a one-sided attempt to impose an unjust outcome destroying core Palestinian rights – in particular their right to self-determination.

We stand firmly against such an act of aggression, as part of the growing international chorus of voices calling for effective international measures to stop any annexation.

In line with Conference policy, Labour must recognise that any just peace must be based on self-determination for Palestine, with equality and human rights for all. We must continue to commit to immediate recognition of the state of Palestine and an end to the blockade, occupation and settlements.”  



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