Support Momentum’s Statement

Support Momentum’s Statement

We republish here a statement from Momentum NCG. The LRC agrees with it wholeheartedly.

We would like to add that, according to the Labour Party’s constitution, the ruling decision-making body between Conferences is the NEC. Decisions, such as the one to settle the libel case in relation to the Panorama programme’s accusations of antisemitism against the Labour Party, should not be taken unilaterally by the Leader. We were believed to have a strong case to rebut the allegations. Democracy demands in any case that the issue be decided by the NEC.

As the Momentum statement says, this capitulation by Starmer prejudices the investigation into the leaked report to be conducted by Martin Forde QC. Labour’s rank and file eagerly await an investigation into the lurid accusations in that report  - of sexism, racism, ableism and outright treachery during the course of the 2017 election campaign by Labour Party staff whose wages are paid by the membership.

The NEC has been further undermined by Keir Starmer informing the NEC that it will not see the forthcoming report on alleged Labour antisemitism by the Equality and Human Rights Commission until it has been made public. Starmer seems to regard our Party as his personal property.

Momentum is quite right to emphasise that:

·         Now is not the time to leave Labour. Don’t Leave Organise.

·         We need an NEC that stands up to the leader. Make sure you vote for the united left slate.


 July 23rd, 2020

Labour has made apologies over last year’s Panorama programme, despite reports that the legal advice received by Labour said the Party would have likely won in court because it had strong legal defences. 

Labour must be honest and transparent with its members by publishing this legal advice. Labour members deserve to know how much of their money has been spent in these settlements and whether or not these settlements were in line with the legal advice the Party received.

Any apologies or concessions made while the inquiry into the leaked report, led by Martin Forde QC, is ongoing, could run the risk of undermining that inquiry. 

Members are still waiting for answers and justice over the contents of the leaked report. This includes allegations of racism, sexism, ableism and abuse towards Labour MPs and pro-Corbyn staff, and allegations about attempts to undermine Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership and work against a Labour victory in the 2017 General Election. 

The leaked report also made allegations about failures by the Labour Right in dealing with complaints of antisemitism and islamophobia and argued that factionalism played a significant role in this. Many of these allegations countered the claims made in the Panorama programme and it is clear that, if a Panorama programme on the subject of antisemitism in the Labour Party were made today, it would be very different were it to reflect the contents of the leaked report.

Yesteday’s news is another example of why it is so important that we elect representatives to Labour’s National Executive Committee (NEC) who will be a strong voice for grassroots members and fight for justice over the leaked report. 

We urge members to stay in the Party or rejoin if you have left or lapsed and vote for the Grassroots Voice candidates for Labour’s NEC. It is only by staying in the Party that we can prevent a repeat of the injustices exposed in the leaked report. 

From advocating socialist policies that are hugely popular with the public, to tackling endemic racism and sexism in Party workplaces alleged in the leaked report and preventing a return to past purges and stitch ups by the Labour Right, these six candidates will fight for the future we need.


Forde Fiasco

Forde Fiasco

Vote for Laura Pidcock and the Grassroots Voice Team

Vote for Laura Pidcock and the Grassroots Voice Team